The Pro X Secure for Smart Tires
Track and trace your wheels on the go—anytime, anywhere.
The Introduction
Every industry relies on mobility to move people, processes, equipment, and materials from source to delivery, with tires being central to this concept. Tires travel vast distances across varied terrains, making it crucial to track their maintenance, support schedules, and lifecycle. RFID technology simplifies this by embedding a tag into the tire during manufacturing. This tag contains all vital information, from genealogy to distribution, maintenance, and repair details.
Pro X Secure Pvt. Ltd.’s Flex™ range of tire tags provides 100% component-level traceability, allowing you to monitor your tires anytime, anywhere.
Every intelligent tire tells a story—just check its ID.
A comprehensive tire tracking system helps businesses ensure timely maintenance, reduce wear and tear, lower fuel costs, prevent safety hazards, improve tire mileage efficiency, manage warranty claims more effectively, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Tire genealogy and traceability
Serialized tagging of tires during manufacturing enables comprehensive tracking of each tire’s history and sourcing details. Pro X Secure Pvt. Ltd.’s Flex™ tags provide 100% component-level traceability throughout the manufacturing process and the entire lifecycle of the tire, including recycling.
This traceability also allows customers and dealers to access complete details, including the date and point of sale, which aids in managing warranty-related claims more effectively.

Inventory Management
Tire tracking provides real-time visibility into inventory status across warehouses, distributors, and dealer locations, ensuring accurate replenishment cycles on a FIFO basis. Flex™ tags, resilient to extreme conditions such as temperature, humidity, and abrasion, enable constant monitoring of your tire stock. This supports supply chain automation, compliance with traceability standards, and enhanced process efficiency.

With the vast number of tires used and discarded globally each year, tracking their whereabouts post-disposal is challenging.
Failure to trace these tires leads to environmental hazards such as landfill accumulation and air pollution from burning tires, which release toxic gases. It is crucial to monitor discarded tires to ensure proper recycling and reuse, thereby extending their lifecycle and contributing to environmental sustainability.
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